Below you’ll find additional school resources for parents, as well as details about the SOPNS Parents Club! We are an incredibly fun, social school and love creating community with our families.
Parents Corner
Contact the Parents Club to purchase!
SOPNS’ Parents Club
Welcome to the "Parents Club" of SOPNS (think of us like the PTA) -- we're a group of volunteer parents who plan fun social events for the school, make improvements to our campus, and do everything we can to support our amazing director, wonderful teachers and precious students! It’s a great way to dive into the SOPNS community and get to know other amazing parents.
And YOU are invited to join this group! It's completely voluntary and your level of involvement is entirely up to you. We already have a ton of great activities planned for the coming year and we'd love your help to make them a huge success.
If you're interested in joining the Parents Club, please email
What we’ve accomplished together
The Parents Club’s biggest yearly social events and fundraisers are our fall Trike-a-Thon, the Easter Extravaganza in the spring, and multiple kids movie nights + parents happy hour events throughout each year.
There’s also a kids Christmas concert, numerous bake sales, ice cream socials, cycling rides to raise money, rummage sales with our community - we’ve done it all!